Joint Public Health Service Between Sefton and Knowsley
With the agreement of the Committee, Matthew Ashton, Head of Health and Wellbeing, reported on the above matter that would set out the principles for a proposed joint Public Health Service between Sefton and Knowsley Councils. Matthew Ashton had undertaken a joint role as Director of Public Health with both Councils since February 2016 and work was being undertaken to explore the possibility of providing a Public Health Service on a wider footprint in order to maximise resources available to both Councils and provide a more efficient service for users.
A period of consultation on the proposals was anticipated to commence during August 2018 and detailed proposals would be presented to Members during September 2018.
Members of the Committee asked questions/raised matters on the following issues:-
· What consultation would take place?
Consultation would take place with staff, trade unions and key stakeholders, including the Clinical Commissioning Groups. Agile working was likely to be implemented for staff.
· Would the proposals involve a change of employer for staff?
Staff would remain with their current employer and on their existing terms and conditions.
· Would services, such as the substance misuse service be re-contracted?
Existing provision and contracts would remain in place for the duration of their provision. Consideration could be given to combining individual services, such as the smoking cessation service, in order to simplify systems.
That the information provided on the proposed joint Public Health Service between Sefton and Knowsley Councils be noted and the matter be considered further at the next meeting of the Committee.