Issue - meetings

Acceptance of Contract Variations for Extension of European Structural Investment Fund Initiatives

Meeting: 06/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 41)

41 Acceptance of Contract Variations for Extension of European Structural Investment Fund Initiatives pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Report of the Executive Director


The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director advising Members of arrangements to extend the current provision of support to local businesses and workless residents undertaken by the InvestSefton and Sefton@work teams through an extension of European Structural Investment Fund (ESIF) grants. The report also sought permission for delegated authority to be granted to the Cabinet Member - Regeneration and Skills to accept the necessary contract variations for both the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund (ESF) which would be forthcoming from the Liverpool City Region (LCR) Combined Authority over the forthcoming period, in consultation with the Head of Corporate Resources and Head of Regulation and Compliance. The delegated authority would allow the Council to maintain these essential services for workless residents and businesses without a break in continuity of service for local businesses and workless residents.


Decision Made:       That


(1)          the in-principle approval received by the LCR Combined Authority for extension to the “Ways to Work” ESF programme in Sefton under PA1.3 (for young people aged 16 – 29) and the submission of the extension request for funding under PA1.1 (Adults aged over 18) be noted;


(2)          the in-principle approval received by the LCR Combined Authority for extension to the PA3 ERDF Business Growth Programme t/a LCRIBS (Liverpool City Region Integrated Business Support) programme be noted;


(3)          the in-principle approval received by the LCR Combined Authority for extension to the PA3 ERDF Place Marketing for Investment programme be noted; and


(4)          acceptance of the ESIF grant offers for delivery in Sefton be delegated to the Cabinet Member – Regeneration and Skills in line with the advice received from the Head of Corporate Resources and Head of Regulation and Compliance prior to bid submission.


Reasons for the Decision:


The contract variations from the LCR Combined Authority will allow the Sefton@work and InvestSefton services to continue to offer high quality, value for money interventions which provide key services in our local economy. Both services, under the Investment and Employment division have been largely self-funded since 2011 and have managed, through a variety of grants and contracts, to undertake a range of important support services which have driven up employment, advocated for vulnerable people, captured social value for Sefton citizens, supported the growth of SMEs and attract new inward investment over a number of years. The Sefton delivery for both business support and employment support each operate as constituent parts of wider economic development initiatives led by the LCR Combined Authority. This offers a degree of financial stability and shared risk. The contract variations will allow these services to be retained and developed further and the grant intervention rates on offer are extremely attractive with ESF for young people (incorporating YEI) offering a rate of 25% match funding to 75% grant and ERDF 50% match to 50% grant.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


Not to apply for EU funding would be to forego the benefits (financial, social and economic) associated with external funding and would mean that Sefton  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41