45 Senior Management Structure Review PDF 204 KB
Report of the Chief Executive
The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Executive putting into effect changes in the Senior Management of the Council as a result of the on-going review of function and capacity, and enabling the Authority to be best placed in terms of meeting its 2030 Vision and core purpose. The changes resulted in an overall reduction of two posts. Appendix 1 to the report illustrated the current structure of Senior Management within the Council. The proposed structure was set out at Appendix 2 to the report.
Decision Made: That
(1) the deletion of the post of Head of Regulation and Compliance be authorised;
(2) the future deletion, at a time at the discretion of the Chief Executive, of the post of Head of Locality Services - Commissioned and subsequent potential redundancy of the current post-holder, be authorised. It is envisaged that any redundancy would only take place subject to normal processes and would be on or around 31 December 2018, subject to a successful transition of matters, as detailed in the report;
(3) a new post of Head of Highways and Public Protection be created, to assume the responsibilities listed within the report;
(4) the future deletion of the post of Head of Commissioning and Business Intelligence, be authorised, the duties to be subsumed within the Head of Strategic Support Post; the current post-holder of the Head of Commissioning and Business Intelligence to be moved into the Head of Highways and Public Protection post;
(5) the formation of a new role of Chief Legal and Democratic Officer be authorised, with the assimilation of an individual into that role;
(6) the Head of Communities role to assume responsibility for the areas as listed within the report, taking over some responsibility which currently resides with the Head of Health and Wellbeing and Head of Schools and Families, with consequent changes to the roles of Head of Health and Wellbeing and Head of Schools and Families;
(7) the Head of Schools and Families Post be re-designated as Head of Education Excellence, to take up responsibilities as detailed within the report;
(8) the other Heads of Service to take up responsibilities as detailed in the report;
(9) the Chief Executive be authorised to implement the changes, subject to any necessary procedures, in role, job function and functional areas, at a time and pace to be considered in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members; and
(10) the Chief Executive and Chief Personnel Officer be authorised under normal procedures to consider the impact of changes to job grades under the HAY Scheme and consult the Cabinet Member – Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services.
Reasons for the Decision:
To ensure that the future Management Structure is fit for purpose and reflects the priorities set out in the 2030 Vision and the Council’s Core Purpose.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
The changes could be rejected. However, this would lead to a loss of efficiency and a failure to make anticipated savings.
Organisationally the changes provide for a structure ... view the full minutes text for item 45