Issue - meetings

LOcal Government Association Care Practice Diagnostic (Peer Review)

Meeting: 25/09/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children's Services and Safeguarding) (Item 19)

19 Local Government Association Care Practice Diagnostic (Peer Review) pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Report of the Director of Social Care and Health

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Social Care and Health on the Local Government Association Care Practice Diagnostic (Peer Review).


The report indicated that the Local Government Association (LGA) had been invited to undertake a Care Practice Diagnostic of Children’s Social Care to provide external scrutiny and assurance that services had continued to improve and to identify areas for further improvement. The on-site element of the review took place in April 2018, which was two years on from the Ofsted Inspection of 2016. The final report was received in June 2018, and recommendations from the report had been included in the updated and refreshed Children’s Social Care Improvement Plan which was reported under Minute No. 17, above.


The LGA Care Practice Diagnostic feedback report, covering the period 24-27 April 2018 was attached to the report.


Debbie Fagan, Chief Nurse and Quality Officer, NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group and South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group, was in attendance and reported on progress regarding the commissioning of dedicated health services for looked after children and young people. The Council’s Public Health and Children’s Social Care teams were being kept abridged of progress within this area.


Members of the Committee asked questions/raised matters on the following issues:-


·         Reference was made to the work of the former Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Working Group and the difficulties reported by young people during the transition from CAMHS to adult services, together with the need to continue to raise awareness of this issue.


·         Would the commissioning of dedicated health services for looked after children and young people be part of the Improvement Plan for Children’s Social Care?





(1)       the report and findings of the Local Government Association be received; and


(2)       the bi-annual report and performance score card, which incorporates the recommendations of the LGA to ensure progress is being made against the recommendations, be continued to be received by this Committee.