Issue - meetings

Appointment to Outside Bodies 2018/19 - Veterans in Sefton and North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust - Council of Governors

Meeting: 01/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 61)

61 Appointment to Outside Bodies 2018/19 - Veterans in Sefton and North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust - Council of Governors pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer


The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer  which sought the appointment of a Council representative to serve on Veterans in Sefton until May 2019; and the North-West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust - Council of Governors for 2018/19 for the remainder of a 3 year appointment until 31 May 2020.


Decision Made: That:


(1)       Councillor Lappin be appointed to serve on the Veterans in Sefton outside body for the remainder of the 2018/19 Municipal Year; and


(2)       Councillor Moncur be appointed to serve on the North-West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust – Council of Governors outside body for the remainder of a 3 year appointment until 31 May 2020.


Reasons for Decision:


The Cabinet had delegated powers set out in Chapter 5, Paragraph 40 of the

Constitution to appoint the Council’s representatives to serve on Outside Bodies.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

