75 Motion Submitted by Councillor Dawson - Impact of Universal Credit PDF 6 KB
To consider the attached Motion submitted by Councillor Dawson
It was moved by Councillor Dawson, seconded by Councillor Lynne Thompson:
Impact of Universal Credit
This Council notes that while the principle of having some form of 'Universal Credit' system in bringing all benefits and 'tax credits' together within one process has been supported by all major political parties, both in government and outside of government, the introduction and implementation of this benefit system to date has been severely flawed in a way which has impacted greatly upon some of the poorest and most vulnerable individuals.
This Council welcomes the recent decision in the High Court demonstrating that the DWP have not been following their own rules in bringing in this Benefit and calls upon the government to take urgent steps to solve these highlighted problems, and other problems which have been identified during the implementation and piloting process, and to apply the benefit universally to all claimants and their children fairly and equally in a way which does not impoverish people.
Council welcomes the recent public statement by Amber Rudd, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, indicating that she wishes to make the operation of Universal Credit fairer and calls on the government to work across party, particularly with the members of the House of Commons Select Committee on Work & Pensions, to bring about necessary changes in Universal Credit as soon as is conceivably possible.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Hardy, seconded by Councillor Marshall that the Motion be amended as follows:
(1) First paragraph: After the words “This Council” delete all of the text up until the words “the introduction” and substitute the following text:
“is appalled at the Government’s continued determination to implement Universal Credit, a policy that has caused unnecessary hardship to residents living in the Borough. It notes that this programme was introduced by the Conservatives with their then coalition partners the Liberal Democrats. The principle of having some form of simplified benefit system where all benefits and tax benefits are managed in a simple single process is well supported. However, the complexities of”
(2) Third paragraph: Add the word “Whilst the” at the start of the paragraph; add the word “limited” after the word “recent” and add the following text after the word “fairer”:
“her small changes to the system do not go far enough to undo the harm that the policy has, and continues to cause”
(3) Add a new paragraph at the end of the Motion which states:
“Therefore the Council calls upon the Chief Executive to write to Amber Rudd, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to advise her that the Council believes there should be a pause to the Universal Credit roll out in its entirety whilst a full review of the policies failings are investigated and appropriate changes to the system and policy are made.”
Following debate and on a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the vote on the amendment was carried by 44 votes to 17.
Thereafter, in accordance with Paragraph 94 ... view the full minutes text for item 75