Issue - meetings

Motion Submitted by Councillor Jones - Creating a Town Council for Southport

Meeting: 24/01/2019 - Council (Item 76)

76 Motion Submitted by Councillor Jones - Creating a Town Council for Southport pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To consider the attached Motion submitted by Councillor Jones


The Chief Legal and Democratic Officer reported that Councillor Jones had submitted an email requesting that Councillor Sir Ron Watson be permitted to move the Motion on his behalf.


It was then moved by Councillor Sir Ron Watson, seconded by Councillor Bliss:


Creating a Town Council for Southport


We believe that the communities of Sefton as a whole will be better supported if there is a Town Council in Southport which can reflect the unique characteristics of the Town. The borough of Sefton is not uniform. Southport has a distinct character and with this comes a number of challenges, some of which we believe will be better addressed by a Southport Town Council. The aim will be to work cooperatively with Sefton MBC and other organisations for the betterment of Southport.


The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 enables Sefton Council to undertake community governance reviews, to consult local people on creating or changing local democratic arrangements within the Borough such as Parish and Town Councils and to change the arrangements where it will improve things.


Accordingly, this Council resolves to:


1.       Undertake a Community Governance Review to explore the creation of a Town Council for Southport, covering the current Parliamentary constituency boundary;


2.       Request Council Officers to provide a report to the next Council meeting on the Community Governance Review terms of reference, approach and process for consideration and approval; and


3.       Refer the issue to Cabinet in accordance with Rule 86 of the Council’s Constitution for formal consideration of any financial implications.

An amendment was moved by Councillor Pugh, seconded by Councillor Daniel Lewis that the following text be added to the end of the Motion:


4.         Recognises in addition that the last administrative boundary review of Sefton identified a clear “level of discontent with current local government arrangements” and suggested Area Committees with devolved powers as a solution;


5.         Notes that this “discontent” still exists in Southport prompting calls for boundary changes within the Liverpool City Region and that the Area Committees have now been abolished;


6.         Welcomes the Conservative government’s assertion that they are ready to discuss “governance proposals involving change to local authority boundaries”; and


7.         Will respond to all significant proposals to vary local government arrangements that may arise from public consultation. 


*(Link to Conservative government’s response referred to above:


Following debate, on a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the amendment was lost by 49 votes to 11.


A further amendment was moved by Councillor Shaw, seconded by Councillor Dawson that the Motion be amended as follows:


(1)       The first paragraph be amended to read as follows:


“We believe that,?while?the communities of Sefton as a whole?would be best served by splitting the Borough of Sefton into two separate Metropolitan Boroughs, one based on Southport and one based on Bootle, another option could be to create a Parish Council in Southport which can reflect the unique characteristics of the Town. The borough of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 76