Current Workstreams & Liverpool City Region
MT- Gave an update to the Group regarding outstanding work.
1. Testing Stations
MT- Apologised for the delay in the Testing Station Review. But other work demands have meant it has been put back.
JJ- Has made enquiries into obtaining an approved training course for Test Stations and considering costing involved.
2. Unmet Demand Survey
MT – stated it is due in Spring 2019. Currently every 3 years at cost of £12-18,000.
JJ – Can it be reviewed to every 5 years to making savings?
MT – To make enquiries.
3. Merseyside Officer Group
MT – Stated on-going discussions still taking place to steam-line; minimum standards for drivers, standardising the conviction policy, reviewing complaint reporting and joint authorities enforcement officer’s duties. Work still in progress.
TY – Stated Uber has seen something regarding complaint reporting.
4. Constitution
MT – On going
5. V4 Handbook
MT – On going