Issue - meetings

Re-Procurement of Sefton Stop Smoking Service

Meeting: 25/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 17)

17 Procurement of Sefton Stop Smoking Service pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Report of the Head of Health and Wellbeing




The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Health and Wellbeing in relation to the re-procurement of the Sefton Specialist Stop Smoking Service for Sefton scheduled to expire on 31 March 2020.



Decision Made:


That the Director of Public Health:



be authorised to conduct a procurement exercise for Sefton Stop Smoking Service, with a view to entering into a contract for a maximum of 5 years comprising an initial 3 year period with an option to extend for up to 2 periods of 12 months; and



in consultation with the Cabinet Member - Health and Wellbeing, be granted authority to award the Contract resulting from the procurement and to award any extension thereof.



Reasons for the Decision:


The current contract is due to expire in March 2020.


Public Health would like to develop the service model to be more responsive to the changing needs of local people in Sefton.  This would include greater action around smoking in pregnancy, smoke free homes and an improved offer for young people who smoke or vape in Sefton. 


The Stop Smoking service is fundamental to the overall Integrated Wellness Service (LWS).


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


To extend the contract for a further 1 year by exercising the additional option within the current contract.  This option is rejected because of the continued review around smoking priorities, and the need to vary the contract to reflect those priorities.