25 Water Utility Procurement Plan PDF 99 KB
Report of the Head of Corporate Resources
The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Corporate Resources that detailed the options available to Sefton Council in the procurement of water services, with a subsequent recommendation that the Council becomes “Self-Supply” in the water market and appoints a managing agent as partner for market entry, data collection and billing.
Decision Made: That:
Reasons for the Decision:
These recommendations will allow the Council to move away from its current ‘deemed’ contract rates and comply with Public Contracts Regulations (2015), achieve the largest potential savings from the options examined and have maximum control over cost saving activities that rely on accurate billing. In addition the Council will have:
· voting rights as a market participant, allowing Sefton Council to directly influence the market;
· a direct relationship with the wholesaler for quicker issue rectification;
· more regular water meter readings and improved provision of water consumption data; and
· access to specialist software to allow Sefton Council and site managers to more efficiently and effectively manage water consumption.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Do nothing
Remaining on deemed retailer rates currently does not provide best value for Sefton.Remaining on deemed rates also conflicts with our requirements under the Public Contracts Regulations (2015).
Switch retailer
Not considered cost effective and unlikely to yield significantly large saving for retail services due to OJEU procurement costs.
Sefton MBC access the retail market via a framework
Although this method would avoid OJEU costs and could improve benefits secured as part of a group procurement cost savings are still likely to be marginal.
Access the CCS framework as part of a larger procurement group in the Liverpool City Region
Potentially higher savings possible than Sefton MBC accessing a framework alone, however, there are no plans currently to progress. Results of this pilot will be relayed to the LCR group to aid progress.