10 Appointment to Outside Bodies PDF 80 KB
Report of the Head of Corporate Resources
Additional documents:
The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Corporate Resources in relation to the appointment of the Council's representatives to serve on Outside Bodies and Thematic Partnership Bodies for 2019/20 for periods of one year and longer as set out in Appendix 1 and 2 to the report.
The appendices show the proposed appointments for 2019/20 following nominations submitted by the Political Groups on the Council.
Decision Made: That the Cabinet: |
(1) approve the proposed representation on the various Outside Bodies set out in Appendix 1 for a twelve month period expiring in May 2020; and
(2) approve the proposed representation on the Outside Bodies set out in Appendix 2 for the term of office indicated. |
Reasons for the Decision:
The Cabinet has delegated powers set out in Chapter 5, Paragraph 40 of the Constitution to appoint the Council’s representatives to serve on Outside Bodies.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Appointment to Outside Bodies
Report of the Head of Corporate Resources
Report to Follow
Decision Made:
That the report in relation to Appointment to Outside Bodies be deferred to the next meeting of the Cabinet.