Issue - meetings

Revenue and Capital Budget Update 2019/20 - Revenue Budget Outturn 2018/19

Meeting: 25/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 22)

22 Revenue and Capital Budget Update - Revenue Budget Outturn 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Report of the Head of Corporate Resources



The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Corporate Resources that detailed the revenue outturn position in relation to the 2018/2019 financial year.  In doing so the report outlined key variations and highlighted, where appropriate any impact on future years’ financial performance. 


Decision Made: That:



the General Fund net surplus of £0.330m for 2018/19 that will be added to the Council’s General Balances, be noted;



the reduction in Schools’ balances of £1.808m for 2018/19 and the net reduction of non-schools centrally retained Dedicated Schools’ Grant balances of £0.745m, be noted; and



the approved increases to Earmarked Reserves in 2018/19, the release of reserves no longer required in order to contribute to the remedial plan to mitigate against the budget pressures being experienced in 2018/19, and the final position at the end of the year, be noted.


Reasons for the Decisions:


The production of a revenue outturn report is a key feature of effective financial management and will allow Members to make informed decisions that will support service delivery and medium term financial sustainability.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

