121 Local Government Association Peer Review – Action Plan Update PDF 128 KB
Report of the Chief Executive
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 77 of the meeting held on 10 January 2019 the Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Executive that set out progress against the Cabinet Approved action plan responding to the Local Government Association’s (LGA) Peer Review team’s recommendations. The report indicated that the Peer Review, undertaken in September 2018, was an independent check on how the Council was performing in terms of planning for and delivering against its ambitious plans for the future.
Decision Made: That
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an annual reporting mechanism in line with the reporting of the financial outturn in June, commencing in June 2020 be approved; and
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future monitoring of activity be included within the scope of the Council’s Framework for Change programme. |
Reasons for Decision:
Peer Reviews are a proven tool for sector-led improvement and the Council has always been open to learning from others and sharing good practice. The peer challenge in 2018 provided external recognition of the things it believed the Council was doing well, highlighted where the Council could learn from other Councils considering best practice elsewhere and recommended several key actions. In January 2019 Cabinet considered and agreed an action plan responding to the Peer Team’s recommendations.
The report seeks to keep Members informed of the progress. The LGA will follow up the initial review with a visit within 18 months to 2 years to assess progress against their recommendations.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: