79 Hired Passenger Transport Framework Agreement 2020/21 PDF 68 KB
Report of the Head of Communities
The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Communities seeking authority to grant the two one-year extensions (2020 & 2021) to the existing Framework Agreement for Hired Passenger Transport service, which had previously been tendered in accordance with OJEU regulations and the Council’s procurement regulations as described in the Cabinet report of 6th April 2017, Minute No 111 refers.
Decision Made: |
That the Cabinet delegate authority to the Head of Communities to extend the existing 2018/20 Framework Agreement for two further one-year extensions.
Reasons for the Decision:
The current framework agreement is made up of 15 hired passenger transport companies, in 4 lots, divided up into vehicle seating capacity. The core period will expire on 31st December 2019.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
None. Based upon the level of requests from commissioning departments there is currently an ongoing need for the Council to provide transport to some service users. As such, this procurement exercise and the subsequent establishment of a Framework Agreement provides the Council with the opportunity to procure services at the most economically advantageous rates, whilst also meeting the stringent Health and Safety and Safeguarding issues associated with transporting vulnerable adults and children.