45 Work Programme Key Decision Forward Plan PDF 112 KB
Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer.
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The Committee considered the report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer, seeking the views of the Committee on the Work Programme for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2019/20; identifying any items for pre-scrutiny from the Key Decision Forward Plan; considering the process to be undertaken during 2020 regarding draft Quality Accounts; and receiving an update on the Liverpool combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The Committee agreed that:
(1) the Work Programme for 2019/20, as set out in Appendix A to the report, be agreed;
(2) the contents of the Key Decision Forward Plan for the period 1 January – 30 April 2020, be noted;
(3) consideration of the arrangements to scrutinise draft Quality Accounts during 2020 be delegated to the Chair of the Committee and once the process has been determined, Committee Members to be informed of the arrangements; and
(4) the update on the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted.