Mayor's Communications
Former Councillor Doreen Kerrigan
The Mayor reported with great sadness on the passing of former Councillor Doreen Kerrigan on 26 December 2020.
The Mayor reported that former Councillor Doreen Kerrigan was elected as a Labour Group Member forLinacre Ward from 2 May 1996 until 5 May 2016.
Councillor Kerrigan had served as Chair of Licensing and Regulatory Committee and Chair of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee Spokespersons meeting with representatives of the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Trade. She served on the then Sefton Safer Stronger Communities Partnership, South Sefton Area Committee, Linacre and Derby Area Committee, and served as a substitute Member on the Planning Committee, and the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for both Children’s Services and Performance and Corporate Services.
Councillor Kerrigan was also appointed by the Council as a representative on the former Merseyside Police Authority, Merseyside Police and Crime Panel and the Merseyside Port Health Committee.
Councillors Maher, Friel and Brough paid tribute to former Councillor Doreen Kerrigan.
Councillor Maher also referred to Councillor Waterfield who had recently lost her Mother and Councillor Roscoe who had recently lost her Brother; and paid tribute to Peggy Stevens, Labour Campaigner who had also recently passed away and offered condolences on behalf of the Council to their Family and Friends
The Council observed a one Minute silence as a mark of respect.
Christmas Toy Appeal 2020
The Mayor reported on the success of the Christmas Toy Appeal 2020 and highlighted that in excess of £2000 had been raised via the crowd funding page. The Mayor also highlighted that an unprecedented number of toys and gifts had been donated from all age groups which had meant that much needed support was provided to families in Sefton ensuring that they had a wonderful Christmas. The Mayor thanked everybody who had supported the appeal with special thanks to Officers and in particular Tracey McKeating, Gill Norman and Tracey Rooney who had worked hard in co ordinating the Toy Appeal 2020.
Holocaust Arrangements
The Mayor reported that due to the pandemic and current lock down restrictions the Holocaust Service and Memorial that was usually held at Christ Church, Southport had been cancelled. The Mayor reported that the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust would be supporting the National Holocaust Memorial Service which would be held online at 7.00pm on Wednesday 27 January 2020. The Mayor reported that the Civic and Mayoral Officer would send the link to all Members of the Council in order that they may register/sign up to watch the service.
Flooding Maghull
The Mayor placed on record her appreciation to Officers, Elected Members and the Emergency Services for all their help in ensuring that those residents of Maghull who were in danger from flooding were moved to a place of safety after the severe weather had caused flooding in Maghull on Wednesday 20 January 2021.