Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/05/2020 - Cabinet (Item 1)



Councillor Maher, Leader of the Council welcomed Members to the first remote meeting of Sefton Council’s Cabinet and he extended a special welcome to members of the public who may be viewing the meeting online; and indicated that this meeting was being held using Microsoft Teams Live Events software and that prior to the meeting a test meeting had been held to ensure that this meeting ran smoothly.


Councillor Maher advised that a protocol for Members attending remote meetings had been circulated prior to the meeting and he requested that Members adhered to this protocol; and indicated that it would be particularly helpful if Members turned their cameras off and muted their microphones when not addressing the meeting. If Members would like to address the meeting at any time they were requested to so indicate by using the chat facility in Microsoft Teams. The chat facility enabled elected Members to raise issues and interact with the meeting in real time.


Councillor Maher concluded that if Members were called to address the meeting could they please pause for a few seconds to enable their microphones to be unmuted and their cameras to be turned on.