32 Implementing the Children and Young People's Commissioning Strategy PDF 157 KB
Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Social Care and Education
Additional documents:
The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Children’s Social Care that sought approval to progress the procurement of a Provider/Partner agreement (PPA) with residential and independent foster agencies within the Liverpool City Region (LCR). The procurement was being undertaken by Halton Council under the ‘light touch regime’ for social and other services as listed at Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and would result in a Purchasing System being available.
The report also sought approval to direct award children’s residential placements on a block purchase basis using the previously approved Placements North West Purchasing System and any additional Providers included on the Partner Provider Agreement (PPA).
Decision Made:
Reasons for the Decision:
The Commissioning Strategy and Market Position Statement for children and young people in Sefton was agreed by Cabinet in January 2020 and included the need to: -
a) identify new block contracts with the Independent Sector targeted at specific levels of need and complexity both for Residential and for Fostering Services
b) make more efficient use of framework agreements – employing benefits realisation evaluations of current framework arrangements and agreement to continue or adopt other mechanisms. Including North West and Liverpool City Region.
c) encourage and develop closer working relationships with local providers who can demonstrate good quality and value for money.
d) commission and procure on both a local and regional footprint employing new ways of working and new models of service delivery
If approved the recommendations in this report will enable ... view the full minutes text for item 32