57 Motion submitted by Councillor Sir Ron Watson - Facilities for a category of the disabled PDF 51 KB
It was moved by Councillor Watson, seconded by Councillor Brough that:
Facilities for a category of the disabled
This Council recognises that:
· both the Council and its residents are dealing with an extremely difficult financial situation as a result of Covid 19.
· there is a Disabled Facilities Grant avaiable for a group of Seftons residents, who currently do not receive any level of specialist help and who don’t access the grant because it is not widely recognised that it is in existence and Sefton does not appear to have a list of individuals who may benefit from elements of the help available.
· there are individuals who live in the Borough who have either lost limbs or who were born with such a disability.
· there is currently available on the market for what is described in many advertisements as a ‘luxury’ w.c facility where the actual toilet has the facility to project warm water and this is then followed by hot/warm air. The degree of self dignity that such a facility would provide for those who have lost their arms is self evident and could have a significant bearing on both their physical and mental health.
· whilst retail prices are quoted it might be possible to arrange a contract where the facility could be provided at a very signficant discount.
This Council requests that:
the Cabinet Members responsible for the budget give consideration of this issue into their budget deliberations in a pro-active and sympatheic manner.
Following debate on the Motion the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer officiated a vote and the Mayor declared the Motion was lost by 42 votes to 18