Issue - meetings

Domestic Abuse New Safe Accommodation Duty

Meeting: 04/03/2021 - Cabinet (Item 111)

111 New Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Duty pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Report of the Head of Communities.


The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Communities that outlined the New Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Duty that the Domestic Abuse Act would introduce, the responsibilities and the work that would need to be undertaken in order to prepare for when the new duty comes into force in April 2021. The report also sought approval for the creation of a Local Domestic Abuse Partnership Board and new governance arrangements including membership.


The Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing, Councillor Hardy thanked all Council Staff, Partner Agencies and all those providing outreach support to those individuals who have required help and support during the pandemic and who continue to require that support.


Decision Made:      That:


(1)           the creation of a Local Domestic Abuse Partnership Board (LPB) ensuring the membership meets the requirements of the draft statutory guidance and that the Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing, Councillor Hardy, be appointed as Chair of the LPB, be approved;


(2)           the creation of a Survivor Forum that will have a representative on the LPB, be approved;


(3)           the Head of Communities be requested to appoint a consultant /additional temporary member of staff to undertake a Needs Assessment and the work outlined in paragraph 5 of the report, be approved;


(4)           the revision of the Sefton Domestic Abuse Strategy to reflect the outcome of the Domestic Abuse (DA) Needs Assessment which is also a requirement of the duty;


(5)           the various commissioning arrangements for DA services in Sefton and bring them into a coherent timetable to ensure that the meet the recommendations of the needs assessment and DA Strategy, be noted; and


(6)           the creation a range of Safe Accommodation options for DA victims/survivors in Sefton, be approved.


Reasons for the Decisions:


The Domestic Abuse Act will place a statutory obligation on Local Authorities to create a Local Domestic Abuse Partnership Board who will be responsible for giving effect to the Sefton Domestic Abuse Strategy and in particular the new Safe Accommodation duty the Act place on Local Authorities. The Act recommends membership for Local Partnership Boards, however the governance arrangements fall outside the current arrangements for the Safer Sefton Communities Partnership and will need amending and approving.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The following option was considered and rejected;


  1. Not to create a Local Domestic Abuse Partnership Board – this option was rejected as there is a statutory responsibility to create the board.