110 Afghan MOD Scheme PDF 93 KB
Report of the Head of Communities.
The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Communities that outlined the Afghan MOD Scheme and the options for Sefton’s participation including agreeing a pledge of numbers of people to be assisted (25 people being the recommended quota). The report also sought approval to appoint the South Sefton Housing Group (Lead organisation Bosco) to deliver the scheme on a 1 year +1+1 arrangement, and sought to delegate authority to the Head of Communities to approve the waiver and any subsequent extension periods.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing, Councillor Hardy welcomed the scheme and referred to the success of the syrian refugee programme and those that had settled long term and integrated well in Sefton. Councillor Hardy extended a warm welcome to those families/individuals who would be joining Sefton.
Decision Made: That:
(1) Sefton’s participation in the Afghan Ministry of Defence (MOD) Scheme from April 2021, be approved;
(2) a “pledge” of up to 25 people to be assisted in 2021/22, be approved;
(3) the appointment of the South Sefton Housing Group (lead organisation Bosco) from April 2021 to deliver the scheme on a 1 year +1+1 arrangement, be approved;
(4) the Head of Communities be authorised to seek a waiver from the Executive Director to the Contract Procedure Rules to make a direct award of the contract to South Sefton Housing Group, be approved; and
(5) any extension to the contract following the initial first year be delegated to the Head of Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member – Communities and Housing, be approved.
Reasons for the Decisions:
To participate in a scheme that supports former MOD Afghan personnel that have suffered persecution since the British military withdrawal from Afghanistan. To agree a pledge of 25 people per year which is consistent with the similar Syrian resettlement scheme. To appoint South Sefton Housing Group (lead organisation Bosco) to deliver the scheme given their track record in the Syrian Resettlement scheme and their local knowledge and delivery partnerships. The scheme expenditure will be below the light touch threshold in relation to the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and is for a 1 year +1+1 arrangements. Delegated authority to the Head of Service to approve the waiver and to approve future extensions in consultation with the Cabinet Member – Communities and Housing will provide a seamless approval process.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
The following options was considered and rejected;