130 Planning Appeals PDF 57 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officeron the results of the undermentioned appeals and progress on appeals lodged with the Planning Inspectorate.
Appellant |
Proposal/Breach of Planning Control |
Decision |
Mr. M.McLaughlin |
DC/2020/01921 – 37 Dorbett Drive Crosby Liverpool L23 0RY Appeal against refusal by the Council in respect of Prior approval submission for a proposed rear extension projecting 4.8 metres from the rear wall of the original dwellinghouse with a height of 2.82 metres at the eaves and a maximum height of 3.87 metres, after demolition of single storey outrigger (Valid 23.09.2020)
Dismissed 11/03/2021 |
Countryside Properties (UK) Ltd & Persimmon Homes Ltd |
DC/2017/01532 – Land Bounded By Poverty Lane To The South, A Railway Line To The West, Whinny Brook To The North And The M58 Motorway To The East, Maghull - Appeal against the refusal by the Council to grant a Hybrid application seeking full planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of 841 residential dwellings (C3), new vehicular accesses off Poverty Lane, public open space and ancillary infrastructure and outline planning permission for an older persons housing scheme (C2, C3) and ancillary infrastructure with all matters reserved.
Allowed 22/02/2021 |
Star Property & Lettings Ltd |
DC/2020/00083 - 235 Worcester Road Bootle L20 9AE Appeal against the refusal by the Council to grant a Change of use from a garage/dwelling to a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) (Sui Generis) (7 units)
Allowed 20/01/2021 |
Mr P.Hardy of the BIG EVENT GROUP |
DC/2020/01362 - 157 College Road Crosby Liverpool L23 3AS Appeal against the refusal by the Council to grant Advertising Consent for the display of 1 internally illuminated 16 sheet sign on the gable wall of the property to replace the existing sign. |
Allowed 08/01/2021 |
Mr.S.Gerber |
DC/2019/02007 - 45 Stanley Road Bootle L20 7AW Appeal against the refusal by the Council to grant the variation of Condition 2 pursuant to planning permission DC/2019/00163 approved 28/05/2019 amended plans due to the re positioning of the cycle store due to introduction of electric meter services and alterations and amendments to elevations |
Allowed 21/12/20 |