Issue - meetings

5B - DC/2020/00418 (Site Of Former Royal British Legion 326 Liverpool Road South, Maghull)

Meeting: 14/04/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 129)

129 DC/2020/00418 - Site Of Former Royal British Legion 326 Liverpool Road South, Maghull pdf icon PDF 347 KB

Report of the Chief Planning Officer

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer, recommending that the above application for the erection of Retirement Living Housing of 44 residential units (Category ll type accommodation) with associated communal facilities, landscaping and car parking following the demolition of the existing building, be approved subject to conditions and for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.


The Committee also received a representation from Councillor John Sayers, Ward Councillor, in objection to the application.




That the recommendation be not approved and the application be refused, for the reason that:


“The proposed building is not a high quality design and is out of character with the local area due to its excessive height and incongruous design. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Sefton Local Plan policy EQ2 ‘Design’, Maghull Neighbourhood Plan policy MAG 4 ‘Residential Character Areas’, and the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework in particular Chapter 12 ‘Achieving well-designed places’.”