89 Motion submitted by Councillor Brough - Strategic Seminars for non-Cabinet Elected Members PDF 43 KB
It was moved by Councillor Brough, seconded by Councillor Sir Ron Watson that:
Strategic Seminars for non-cabinet Elected Members
Sefton Council is embarking upon a range of highly significant developments which include the implementation of the Southport Town Centre Funding Agreement, the development of a comprehensive policy in respect of beach management, the continuing position of the Bootle New Strand Centre, the Sandway Homes Development Programme and our response to the consultation process in respect of the future configuration of NHS services together with greater integration with Adult Social Care in the borough with the relevant Health Authority.
In all instances the direct involvement of Elected Members has been minimal and the Council now agrees that a comprehensive day seminar on all of these subject areas should be arranged with each issue being presented by the appropriate Cabinet Member and the Chief Officer and the format should also include the opportunity for a Q&A section.
This will enable Councillors who have had minimal involvement the opportunity to hopefully gain the wider perspective which is currently only possible for the limited number of Cabinet Members who have been involved.
Following a debate on the Motion the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer officiated a vote and the Mayor declared that the Motion was lost by 41 votes to 19.