Issue - meetings

Membership of Committees 2008/09

Meeting: 15/07/2021 - Council (Item 36)

Membership of Committees 2021/22

To consider any changes to the Membership of any committees etc.


The Mayor reported that notice had been given by the Labour Group Whip, Councillor Grace of the following changes to Memberships of Committees:


·                Councillor Roche to replace Councillor Carr on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) and Councillor Howard to replace Councillor Roche as the Substitute Member for Councillor Halsall;


·                Councillor Page to replace Councillor Carr on the Pay and Grading Committee;


·                Councillor Burns to replace Councillor Carr on the Local Joint Consultative Committee and Councillor Carlin to replace Councillor McKinley as the Substitute Member for Councillor Halsall;


·                Councillor Carlin to replace Councillor McKinley as Substitute Member on the Local Joint Consultative Committee and Councillor  


·                Councillor Page to replace Councillor Carr as Substitute Member for Councillor Roche on the Audit and Governance Committee;


·                Councillor Bradshaw to replace Councillor Carr as Substitute Member for Councillor Hansen on the Planning Committee; and


·                Councillor Burns to replace Councillor Blackburne as the Substitute Member for Councillor Grace on the Public Engagement and Consultation Panel




The changes as detailed above, be approved.