9 DC/2021/00466-Land West Of Formby By Pass And North Of Liverpool Road, Formby PDF 958 KB
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer, recommending that the above application for the variation of condition 2 pursuant to planning permission DC/2018/00658 approved 27/3/2019 to amend the approved layout plan to allow the inclusion of a foul water pumping station, be approved subject to conditions and for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.
The Committee received a representation from Councillor Bennett, Ward Councillor, in objection to the application and a response from Messrs. Taylor and Powlson on behalf of the applicant.
That the recommendation be approved and the application be granted, subject to the conditions, and signing of a section 106 legal agreement, and for the reasons stated or referred to within the report.