Issue - meetings

CCG Priorities in the next 3 months

Meeting: 09/06/2021 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 5)

CCG Priorities in the next 3 months

To receive a verbal update from the Chief Officer of NHS South Sefton Commissioning Group.


The Board considered a verbal update from Fiona Taylor – Chief Officer of NHS South Sefton Commissioning Group – who outlined the Clinical Commissioning Group’s priorities in the next three months. The presentation covered the CCGs 5 strategic objectives:

  • Implement Sefton2gether/HWBB strategy
  • Drive quality improvement & seek assurance
  • Deliver a robust financial plan & cost improvement
  • Support PCNs to enable robust and resilient general practice
  • Progress changes to Borough based ICP model & contribute to the ICS development


And went onto describe system working and transition, Primary Care Network development, lessons learned and improvements and a summary of financial performance.  


Fiona particularly raised the issue of transition to PCNs and the work which Dr Rob Caudwell commented on. It was agreed to devote an informal HWBB session to general practice and invite key practitioners to this session.



Dr Peter Chamberlain – Chair of South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group – updated the Board on the Borough’s COVID vaccination programme and more specifically vaccination uptake. Citing the highest number of Care Home Vaccinations in Cheshire and Merseyside.




That the verbal update be noted.