Issue - meetings

General Update on Covid-19 In Schools

Meeting: 06/07/2021 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children's Services and Safeguarding) (Item 5)

General Update on Covid-19 In Schools

The Interim Head of Education to provide a verbal update report


Tricia Davies, the Interim Head of Education provided a verbal update report on the current position of schools with regard to Covid 19, including the following:


·       Remote learning.

·       Use of face masks in schools.

·       Social distanced bubbles in schools.

  • Teacher Assessed Grades completed for GCSEs and A levels.
  • Summer schools for year 6 pupils transitioning to year 7.
  • Cancellation of sports days and other events.


Members of the Committee asked questions/raised issues on the following:


·       The impact on schools following the announcement of the end to lockdown rules on 19 July.

·       Concerns for the health and wellbeing of families, children and young people.

·       The plan for the recovery of educational attainment levels, following missed schooling.

·       The approach to be taken by specialist schools and colleges in providing additional support.

·       Whether support to vulnerable families was offered physically, with face to face visits, or remotely.




That the verbal report on Covid-19 in Schools be noted.