Issue - meetings

Motion Submitted by Councillor Irving - Sefton Council to Request Secretary of State For Permission to Increase Penalty Charge Notices

Meeting: 15/07/2021 - Council (Item 39)

39 Motion Submitted by Councillor Irving - Sefton Council to Request Secretary of State For Permission to Increase Penalty Charge Notices pdf icon PDF 51 KB



Sefton Council to Request Secretary of State For Permission to Increase Penalty Charge Notices


It was moved by Councillor Irving, seconded by Councillor Bennett that:


Over the last five years there has been a complete disregard by motorists visiting the Sefton Coast in the parking of their vehicles on clearly marked single and double yellow lines as well as grass verges in residential areas.   Drivers refuse to pay reasonable car parking charges thinking they can get away without receiving a parking ticket due to the many vehicles illegally parked.   At a recent May Bank Holiday 2021, over two days Sefton Council issued in one small area of Sefton 121 penalty charge notices.   The Civil Enforcement Officers who issued them were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of illegally parked vehicles and were unable to issue more due to their time on duty.  The charge of a parking ticket is at present at its maximum level allowed by Government, £70.00 charge but £35.00 if paid within 28 Days.  This amount for parking fines the Government has imposed on local councils is simply not enough to persuade drivers to stop this unwarranted illegal parking in residential areas, which has caused many residents to resent visitors to their area.


Council Motion


This Council agrees to write to the Secretary of State in requesting him to allow Sefton Council to Increase the penalty charge in their area.   By granting this request it is hoped that the continued abuse of traffic regulations by many motorists who illegally park vehicles in restricted areas of Sefton M.B.C. will force them to be more sensible in the way they park vehicles in the future.


Following a debate and on a show of hands the Mayor declared the Motion  was carried by 43 votes to 4 with 1 abstention and it was


RESOLVED:           That:


Over the last five years there has been a complete disregard by motorists visiting the Sefton Coast in the parking of their vehicles on clearly marked single and double yellow lines as well as grass verges in residential areas.   Drivers refuse to pay reasonable car parking charges thinking they can get away without receiving a parking ticket due to the many vehicles illegally parked.   At a recent May Bank Holiday 2021, over two days Sefton Council issued in one small area of Sefton 121 penalty charge notices.   The Civil Enforcement Officers who issued them were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of illegally parked vehicles and were unable to issue more due to their time on duty.  The charge of a parking ticket is at present at its maximum level allowed by Government, £70.00 charge but £35.00 if paid within 28 Days.  This amount for parking fines the Government has imposed on local councils is simply not enough to persuade drivers to stop this unwarranted illegal parking in residential areas, which has caused many residents to resent visitors to their area.


Council Motion


This Council agrees to write to the Secretary of State in requesting him to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39