Issue - meetings

Motion Submitted by Councillor Pugh - Cycle Lanes

Meeting: 15/07/2021 - Council (Item 40)

40 Motion Submitted by Councillor Pugh - Cycle Lanes pdf icon PDF 40 KB





It was moved by Councillor Pugh, seconded by Councillor Shaw that:


Recognising the concerns voiced by the public about planned cycle lanes in Southport, this Council will impose a moratorium on the plans to allow for sensible consideration of said plans by a cross-party working party who scrutinising all currently available evidence and feedback shall report back to elected members prior to any final decision being taken.      


An amendment was moved by Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Dalbuquerque that:


 the following words be replaced


this Council will impose a moratorium on the plans to allow for sensible consideration of said plans by.” and be replaced with the following words


 “. Taking into consideration the petition presented to full council earlier, highlighting the damaging effect on local businesses, and the health and wellbeing of residents that these plans are withdrawn with immediate effect.”


the following words “Any future proposals will be discussed by” to be included before the words “a cross-party working party”; and


the following words to be included after the word taken “for the betterment of Southport and its residents”.


Following debate, on a show of hands, The Mayor declared the amendment was lost by 37 votes to 8.


Thereafter, on a show of hands, the Mayor declared the Motion was lost by 35 votes to 4 with 8 abstentions.