Issue - meetings

Enterprise Arcade Project

Meeting: 07/10/2021 - Cabinet (Item 53)

53 Town Deal: Enterprise Arcade Project pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Report of the Executive Director - Place


The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director (Place) in relation to progress of the Southport Town Deal project, The Enterprise Arcade and sought approval on the route to secure an operating partner for the project.


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Skills, Councillor Atkinson recommended that the Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing, Councillor Hardy also be included as a consultee referred to in Recommendation (2) of the report.


Decision Made: That:



the recommended option for securing an operating partner for the Enterprise Arcade through a Property Lease, be approved; and



delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director (Place), in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Communities and Housing, Regeneration and Skills,  and Regulatory, Compliance & Corporate Services, to approve the project delivery stages including design and construction, and their associated procurement processes, to meet the Town Deal Business Case submission requirements, be approved.


Reasons for the Decisions:


Under the Town Deal Heads of Terms, Sefton Council is required to submit businesses cases within 12 months of the offer (by March 2022). Securing an operating partner for the Enterprise Arcade will be integral to the long-term success of the project. Through agreeing a Property Lease, with embedded contractual obligations, the risks of ongoing financial liability for the operation and day-to-day costs of running the building will be transferred to the leasee / operating partner, meaning that there will be no financial burden to the Council.



Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The report lists the alternative options considered. These have been rejected in favour of the recommendation due to them being unlikely to be achieved within the Town Deal timescale or the high risk of them resulting in an ongoing financial uncertainty to the Council for operation of the Enterprise Arcade. The operating partner would also bring sector experience and expertise that will ensure success of the venue in line with the objectives of the Town Deal and of the Council.