Issue - meetings

Sefton DHR9 - Presentation on Key Findings and Learning

Meeting: 09/09/2021 - Safer Sefton Together (Item 14)

14 Sefton DHR9 - Presentation on Key Findings and Learning

Localities Team Manager - North

Additional documents:


Carol Ellwood-Clarke and Sara Wallwork gave a presentation on the Domestic Homicide Review of ‘Denise’. The presentation included the case details, methodology, family involvement, key issues and learning and subsequent recommendations.


The recommendations included:


·       A review of the MARAC protocol

·       An all agency review of their internal processes for documenting and flagging victims/perpetrators

·       A review of the support ‘offer’ to complex case victims of domestic abuse

·       Assurance and evidence of information sharing pathways from all agencies be provided to the Partnership

·       The provision of a learning document from the Partnership which captures the learning on this case

·       Consideration from all agencies on how to ensure their staff take cognisance of the Mental Capacity Act 2005

·       The provision of assurances from Merseyside Police and the National Probation Service that the Information Sharing Agreement was effectively embedded


Councillor Hardy called for a moment of reflection after the presentation and commented that there were lessons to learn from this review. Jan Marlow informed the Partnership that the CRC and National Probation Service were now combined, and staff would be subject to mandatory training when dealing with Domestic Abuse cases. Superintendent Graeme Robson praised the improvement in information sharing and outlined further positive action on behalf of the police.  Janette Maxwell discussed the complex elements of the case and reiterated the importance of attending meetings as opposed to sending reports. Neil Frackelton commented on SWACA’s (Sefton Women’s and Children’s Aid) role in the review and emphasised the importance of undertaking more work on coercion and control. Sara Wallwork and Carol Ellwood-Clarke underlined the challenges of putting the Mental Capacity Act 2005 into practice when dealing with future cases. Councillor Hardy stated that future cases and reviews would be tracked by the upcoming Domestic Abuse Partnership due to start in September.




That the presentation be noted.