Issue - meetings

Effectiveness of the Council’s Enforcement Activity Working Group Final Report

Meeting: 18/11/2021 - Council (Item 71)

71 Effectiveness of the Council’s Enforcement Activity Working Group Final Report pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer


Additional documents:


The Council considered the report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer in relation to Overview and Scrutiny Committee Regeneration and Skills, Effectiveness of the Council’s Enforcement Activity Working Group Final Report.


It was moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Dowd and


RESOLVED:           That the following recommendations be approved:





a very significant increase in uniformed enforcement officers be established to tackle the problems of littering, fly-tipping and rear entry dumping;



a high-profile publicity campaign be introduced to highlight the increased enforcement activity to be undertaken;



as part of the evidence base to understand the options for an additional enforcement regime, an evaluation should take place to detail the invest to save opportunities that may exist that could reduce demand on Cleansing Services as enforcement activity is increased with the requirement for the proposal to be cost neutral on the Council’s budget; and




Investigations take place to see whether sanctions could be imposed on private landlords, via the Selective Licensing Scheme, for the anti-social actions of their tenants in littering and dumping rubbish in rear entries; and



All registered social landlords operating in Sefton be contacted and urged to consider taking action against those tenants who act irresponsibly and fly-tip or dump rubbish in rear entries



Meeting: 07/10/2021 - Cabinet (Item 50)

50 Effectiveness of the Council’s Enforcement Activity Working Group Final Report pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Maher welcomed Councillor John Sayers, Lead Member of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Regeneration and Skills, Effectiveness of the Council’s Enforcement Activity Working Group to the Meeting to present the Working Group’s Final Report.


Decision Made:      That Cabinet noted the following recommendations and commended the report with recommendations to the Council for approval:





a very significant increase in uniformed enforcement officers be established to tackle the problems of littering, fly-tipping and rear entry dumping;



a high-profile publicity campaign be introduced to highlight the increased enforcement activity to be undertaken;



as part of the evidence base to understand the options for an additional enforcement regime, an evaluation should take place to detail the invest to save opportunities that may exist that could reduce demand on Cleansing Services as enforcement activity is increased with the requirement for the proposal to be cost neutral on the Council’s budget; and




Investigations take place to see whether sanctions could be imposed on private landlords, via the Selective Licensing Scheme, for the anti-social actions of their tenants in littering and dumping rubbish in rear entries; and



All registered social landlords operating in Sefton be contacted and urged to consider taking action against those tenants who act irresponsibly and fly-tip or dump rubbish in rear entries


Reasons for the Decision


The Working Group has made a number of recommendations that require approval by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills), Cabinet and Council.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


No alternative options were considered. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills) established the Working Group to look at the Effectiveness of the Council’s Enforcement Activity and the Working Group has performed this task.



Meeting: 21/09/2021 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills) (Item 15)

15 Effectiveness of the Council’s Enforcement Activity Working Group Final Report pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer seeking formal approval of the Effectiveness of the Council’s Enforcement Activity Working Group Final Report.


Members of the Committee asked questions/commented on the following issues:


·       The actual cost associated with recommendation (1).

·       Requested that the Head of Highways and Public Protection provide Members with the current charging regime for bulky waste collection.



RESOLVED: That Cabinet and Council be recommended to:



establish a very significant increase in uniformed enforcement officers to tackle the problems of littering, fly-tipping and rear entry dumping;



approve the introduction of a high-profile publicity campaign to highlight the increased enforcement activity to be undertaken;



as part of the evidence base to understand the options for an additional enforcement regime, approve that an evaluation take place to detail the invest to save opportunities that may exist that could reduce demand on Cleansing Services as enforcement activity is increased with the requirement for the proposal to be cost neutral on the Council’s budget; and




approve that investigations take place to see whether sanctions could be imposed on private landlords, via the Selective Licensing Scheme, for the anti-social actions of their tenants in littering and dumping rubbish in rear entries; and



Approve that all registered social landlords operating in Sefton be contacted and urged to consider taking action against those tenants who act irresponsibly and fly-tip or dump rubbish in rear entries