Issue - meetings

Item Called In - Proposed Temporary Traffic Regulation Order - Angers Lane, Melling - One-Way

Meeting: 09/09/2021 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills) (Item 10)

10 Item Called In - Proposed Temporary Traffic Regulation Order - Angers Lane, Melling - One-Way pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer

Additional documents:


The Committee considered (a) the report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer, which set out the decision of the Cabinet Member – Locality Services in relation to the Proposed Temporary Traffic Regulation Order – Angers Lane, Melling – One-Way and the reasons why the decision had been called-in; and (b) the report of the Head of Highways and Public Protection which was considered by the Cabinet Member – Locality Services in relation to this matter.


The decision taken by the Cabinet Member – Locality Services on 5 August 2021 in relation to this matter was as follows:


Decision Made: That



the temporary one-way Order on Angers Lane, Melling be approved; and



the necessary legal procedures be carried out, including the advertising of the temporary Order.


Reason for Decision:


The Council has the power to make temporary Traffic Regulation Orders under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.


Alternative Options Considered:




The decision was subsequently called-in by Councillors Carr, Dodd and Pugh.


Paul Fraser, Senior Democratic Services Officer reported on the validity of the call-in and highlighted that the call-in requisition:


·        had been received within the specified call-in period;

·        had been signed by three Members of the Council who were not Members of the Cabinet, in accordance with the provisions in Chapter 6, Paragraph 38(a) of the Council’s Constitution; and

·        referred to a specific decision made by the Cabinet Member – Locality Services and provided a reason for call in, in accordance with Chapter 6, paragraph 40 of the Constitution.


Councillor Carr, on behalf of Councillors Dodd and Pugh, addressed the Committee and outlined and amplified the reasons for the call-in as follows:


After reviewing the proposed road changes, the idea of turning Angers Lane into a one-way street to route construction traffic down to the proposed building site in Maghull must be questioned. The following grounds were identified to be scrutinised. 1. Air Quality and Pollution • Currently Angers Lane had low traffic volumes, the increase in traffic due to the routing of thousands of HGVs over the next few years would significantly decrease the air quality and increase particulate pollution. 2. Noise Pollution and Vibration Damage • The buildings on Angers Lane were either Georgian or Victorian and the deep concern was that the vibrations from the increased HGV traffic would result in damage to the fabric of the buildings and the additional traffic would cause noise pollution that was not presently a concern. 3. Road Traffic Speed • Angers Lane was currently a narrow two-way street where motor vehicles needed to slow down to pass each other, changing the road to a one-way street would increase vehicle speeds. Vehicle drivers may also be tempted to drive faster because they did not expect any oncoming vehicles. If motor vehicles speeds increased, this would reduce how safe the road was. 4. Highway Pedestrian Safety • Angers Lane was an adopted road and that as such any vehicle could currently use it. However just because  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10