99 Sefton Hospitality Operations Limited - Business Plan PDF 87 KB
Report of the Executive Director - Place
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 90 of 4 February 2021 the Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director (Place) that detailed the proposed strategy and business plan for Sefton Hospitality Operations Limited; advised that the focus of the business would include, but not be limited to, operating the hospitality offer at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre (CLAC); and that this report followed on from the previous reports to Cabinet on the CLAC project.
A copy of the Strategy and Business Plan document was attached to the report.
Decision Made:
(1) |
the Strategy and Business Plan for the company, including its alignment with the Business Case for Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre previously presented to Cabinet be noted;
(2) |
the Strategy and three-year Business Plan for Sefton Hospitality Operations Limited be approved;
(3) |
any material variations to this financial forecast be presented back to Cabinet for further decision; and
(4) |
an updated Business Plan for the three years from the financial year 2023-24 be submitted to Cabinet for approval in advance of the start of that financial year. |
Reasons for the Decisions:
Sefton’s Growth and Strategic Investment programme includes a number of projects that enhance and maximise the offer across the borough to residents and visitors alike. This offer goes beyond the physical assets themselves, and the role of Sefton Hospitality Operations Limited (SHOL) and its opportunity are to provide an experience for customers that aligns with the vision and objectives of the borough and the Council. Moreover, SHOL and its strategy will enable support for local people with access to higher-quality career opportunities in the hospitality sector.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
There are no alternative options to be considered.