17 Statement of Accounts 2020/2021 PDF 98 KB
Report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services on the draft unaudited Statement of Accounts 2020/2021.
Mr Paul Reilly, Service Manager Finance, presented the report and answered questions thereon.
Mr Hassan Rohimun, External Auditor (Ernst and Young) provided Members with an update on the current status of the external audit of the Statement of Accounts, indicating that there were three key areas outstanding, namely:
· Valuation of property and land.
· Group financial Statements.
· Assurances on the pension fund liability.
Members raised the following issues in relation to the report:
· Given the huge amount of documentation provided, concern was expressed about the timing of this meeting the day before Full Council and it was suggested that future meetings for consideration of the draft Statement of Accounts be held in the week before the Full Council meeting.
Mr David McCullough, Chief Legal and Democratic Officer and Monitoring Officer indicated that this request would be borne in mind when preparing the Council’s Calendar of Meetings for 2022/2023.
· Also, given the number of outstanding financial issues, it was suggested that the Committee would benefit from an additional meeting before the end of the year to enable Members to have the best possible information on the Council’s budget considerations.
Mr Paul Reilly indicated that an additional meeting was proposed to sign off the final Audited Statement of Accounts 2020/2021.
· Request for more information on the accounts for Sefton New Directions and Sandway Homes and concern that Members were not invited to attend the board for Sandway Homes.
Mr Paul Reilly indicated that he could arrange for the accounts for Sefton New Directions and Sandway Homes to be circulated to Members if required. There was discussion between Members on the following areas.
· Artworks – Whether there was any merit in offering redundant artworks for sale where the Council had the authority and legal power to do so.
· The process for determining Regeneration Scheme Reserves.
· PFI (Private Finance Initiatives).
· Staff redeployment during lockdown due to the Covid Pandemic.
(1) the draft 2020/2021 Statement of Accounts be noted; and
(2) the timetable for the completion of the external audit that will be conducted by Ernst and Young LLP be noted.