The Mayor welcomed members, officers and members of the public to the meeting of the Council.
The Mayor reported that in consultation with Public Health, the Council had returned to face to face meetings and was doing so with caution. The Mayor also reported that a risk assessment had been undertaken taken prior to the meeting and as such the following mitigations had been taken and advised:
· that all Members and Officers were requested to take a lateral flow test prior to attendance and to only attend if negative;
· that all doors between rooms were to remain open during the meeting to ensure a flow of ventilation from the main public entrance doors of the Town Hall;
· that officers, members and members of the public were requested to use the hand sanitizers that were available and to wear a face covering when moving around the Council Chamber and the Town Hall,
· to refrain from sharing refreshments;
· to not gather in communal areas; and
· to respect one another’s personal space.
The Mayor reminded those in attendance of the request to take a lateral flow test prior to attendance at any of the Councils meetings and to only attend if their test was negative.