Issue - meetings

Housing Strategy 2022 -2027

Meeting: 03/11/2022 - Cabinet (Item 80)

80 Housing Strategy 2022 - 2027 pdf icon PDF 315 KB

Report of the Assistant Director of Place (Economic Growth and Housing)

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the report of the Assistant Director of Place (Economic Growth and Housing) which sought approval for the Sefton Housing Strategy 2022-2027 which sets out the vision, key themes and strategic housing priorities for Sefton over the next five years.


Decision Made: That:


(1)      approval be given to the Sefton Housing Strategy 2022 – 2027 as set out in the Appendix to the report for publication.


(2)      it be noted that further work would be undertaken in Autumn/Winter 2022 on the Housing Strategy Action Plan and Monitoring Reports. The Action Plan would include specific activities and actions to be undertaken by the Council to achieve the strategic priorities as identified in the Housing Strategy document; and


(3)      the Assistant Director Place (Economic Growth and Housing) be authorised in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing to approve the Housing Strategy Action Plan and Monitoring Reports as set out in resolution (2) above


Reasons for the Decision:


The Government has recognised that “housing should provide a secure foundation for individuals to live the lives they want to live. Finding the right home, in the right place, can be an essential platform for people seeking to support their families and sustain work”. The updated Housing Strategy sets out the locally agreed, long-term vision for housing and sets out strategic housing priorities, objectives and broad target outcomes to help achieve this aim.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The Council could utilise the existing Housing Strategy (2016 – 2021) to deliver housing priorities and guide economic growth and investment in the Borough but this option had been considered and rejected for the following reasons:


The existing Housing Strategy (2016 – 2021) is now largely obsolete as many of the housing priorities contained within it have been successfully implemented. Additionally, the landscape and the way in which housing services are delivered has changed considerably over the past 5 years, therefore, a refreshed housing strategy is considered appropriate.