Issue - meetings

Recruitment to the Post of Chief Personnel Officer

Meeting: 03/02/2022 - Employment Procedure Committee (Item 60)

Recruitment to the Posts of Chief Personnel Officer and Service Manager Finance

Report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Corporate Resources and Customer Services, relating to recruitment to the posts of  (1) Chief Personnel Officer and (2) Service Manager Finance.


The report updated Members on the recruitment process so far for the post of Chief Personnel Officer, the process for completion of the appointment and sought approval of the recommended shortlist for progression to the next stage of the selection process for that post.


The Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services provided a verbal update on the proposed approach to recruitment to the post of Service Manager Finance, indicating that the candidates shortlisted for this post by the Employment Procedure Committee held on 11 May 2021 had failed to progress past the Technical Interview stage and therefore, in consultation with the Chair, the Employment Procedure Committee interviews on 24 May 2021 had been cancelled.


The Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services explained that the role of Service Manager Finance was a statutory position and interim arrangements were currently in place with a member of the Finance Team covering the post in an acting up arrangement. 


He indicated that nationally there was a difficulty in recruiting to this role and it was proposed that the position be re-advertised internally in the first instance.





In respect of recruitment to the post of Chief Personnel Officer:



the applications and recommended shortlist of candidates be approved for progression to the Technical Interview stage;



the Executive Director Corporate Resources and Customer Services and the Personnel Manager be authorised to conduct Technical Interviews followed by consultation with the Chair of the Employment Procedure Committee (also being the Cabinet Member Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services), to determine which candidates can progress to the formal interview stage with the Employment Procedure Committee;



it be noted that the post of Chief Personnel Officer is graded at Senior Management Hay Grade 4 at a salary of £77,157 per annum;



it be noted that the job advertisement detailed at Annex 1 to the report has been placed in the Guardian (online); Jobsgopublic and Sefton’s website along with appropriate Social-Media such as the Council’s twitter feed, Facebook and Linkedin; and




the job description and person specification set out at Annex 3 and the recruitment timetable at Annex 4 to the report be noted.



In respect of recruitment to the post of Service Manager Finance:



approval be given for the post to be advertised internally; and



the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services be authorised to approve appointment to the post in consultation with the Chair (also being the Cabinet Member Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services).