79 Planning Appeals Report PDF 59 KB
Report of the Chief Planning Officer.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer on the results of the undermentioned appeals and progress on appeals lodged with the Planning Inspectorate.
Proposal/Breach of Planning Control |
Decision |
Mr and Mrs Gerrard |
DC/2021/00943 - 51 Sandhurst Drive Aintree Liverpool L10 6LU - appeal against the Council’s refusal to grant Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed detached outbuilding in the rear garden. |
Dismissed 21/01/2022 |
Miss S. Deary |
EN/2021/00083 (APP/M4320/C/21/3283819) - 1 Heather Close Formby Liverpool L37 7HN – Appeal against enforcement notice regarding without planning permission and within the last four years, the erection of a brick wall with pillars in excess of 1 metre in height to the front boundary of the land. |
Dismissed 6/01/2022 |
Hutchison UK Ltd |
DC/2021/01290 (APP/M4320/W/21/3279863) - Kirkstone Road North Litherland Liverpool L21 7NT appeal against the Council’s refusal to grant Prior notification application for 18.0m Phase 8 Monopole C/W wrapround Cabinet at base and associated ancillary works. |
Dismissed 13/12/2021 |
That the report be noted.