49 Summerhill Primary School - Section 106 Contributions and Proposal for Expansion PDF 295 KB
Report of the Assistant Director of Education
Additional documents:
The Cabinet considered the report of the Assistant Director of Education indicating that when Sefton’s Local Plan was adopted in 2017 it was agreed that contributions would be sought from the housing developers of the site at Land East of Maghull to expand Summerhill Primary School to provide additional school places in the Maghull area to meet the increased demand from families who moved into the area; and the report provided an update on that project and set out the next steps which needed to be put in place for it to proceed.
A copy of the public notice and complete proposal for Summerhill Primary School was appended to the report.
Decision Made:
(1) |
Council be recommended to approve a supplementary capital estimate in the sum of £3,782,080 to allow Phase 1 of this Summerhill Primary School scheme to be included in the capital programme;
(2) |
it be noted that in order to complete Phase 1 and commence Phase 2 of the scheme, allocations will need to be made from both current and future Education capital grant allocations; that these will be approved in accordance with the Financial Procedure Rules; and that current estimates are that £1,140,420 will be required over a three-year period; and
(3) |
the publication of the proposal to expand Summerhill Primary School be approved so that this can be published during the 2022/23 academic year once Council has agreed the funding. |
Reasons for the Decision:
The local authority has the power to consider all options including expanding a maintained school following the statutory process detailed in the report.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
As part of the development of the Local Plan options were explored and it was determined that Summerhill Primary School be identified for expansion.