Issue - meetings

4D) DC/2022/00011 - 2 Chipping Avenue, Ainsdale

Meeting: 13/04/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 96)

96 DC/2022/00011 - 2 Chipping Avenue, Ainsdale pdf icon PDF 779 KB

Report of the Chief Planning Officer


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer recommending that the above application for the erection of a part two/single - storey extension to the rear/ side, a first floor extension to the side, a single-storey porch to the front, alterations to front and side roof from flat to pitched, and insertion of 2 first floor windows and roof-light to side (west) elevation of the dwellinghouse be granted subject to the conditions and for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.


Arising from the discussion Members expressed concern regarding the overbearing impact on nearby properties, in particular 26 and 28 Westminster Drive and 4 Chipping Avenue where they felt there would be a loss of light within the garden areas and some windows.




That the recommendation be not approved and the application be refused for the reason that the proposed extension would have an overbearing impact on the garden and rear windows of both 28 and 26 Westminster Drive and the overshadowing of the garden and loss of light to No 28 Westminster Drive and would therefore be contrary to Policy HC4 and the House Extensions SPD paragraph 4.3.