Report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services
The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services which provided details of:
1) The current position relating to the 2022/23 revenue budget;
2) The current forecast on Council Tax and Business Rates collection for 2022/23; and
3) The monitoring position of the Council’s capital programme to the end of January 2023:
· The forecast expenditure to year end.
· Variations against the approved budgets and an explanation of those variations for consideration by Members.
· Updates to spending profiles and proposed amendments to capital budgets necessary to ensure the efficient delivery of capital projects are also presented for approval.
Decision Made:
Revenue Budget
(1) the current position relating to the 2022/23 revenue budget be noted;
(2) the actions being taken to offset the budget pressures being faced in 2022/23 be noted;
(3) the financial risks associated with the delivery of the 2022/23 revenue budget be recognised and it be acknowledged that the forecast outturn position will continue to be reviewed, and remedial actions put in place, to ensure a balanced forecast outturn position and financial sustainability can be achieved;
(4) the current position relating to the High Needs budget be noted and that officers are currently reviewing all options available to the Council to mitigate the additional pressure and to make the overall High Needs budget financially sustainable;
Capital Programme
(5) the spending profiles across financial years for the approved capital programme (paragraph 7.1) be noted;
(6) the latest capital expenditure position as at 31 January 2023 of £26.898m (paragraph 7.3); and the latest full year forecast of £43.493m (paragraph 7.4) be noted;
(7) it be noted that that capital resources will be managed by the Executive Director Corporate Resources and Customer Services to ensure the capital programme remains fully funded and that capital funding arrangements secure the maximum financial benefit to the Council (paragraphs 7.12-7.14);
Council Tax Support Fund
(8) the intention to auto-award up to £25 to all Local Council Tax Support scheme claimants against their Council Tax Liability for 2023/24 in line with Government guidelines be noted;
(9) approval be given to the amendment of the “Council Tax Reduction in Liability” Policy for 2023/24 to make additional discretionary awards, as described in Paragraph 8.5, to utilise the Government funding allocated to the Council;
Business Rates – Implementation of Local Discount Schemes for Retail,
Hospitality, Leisure in 2023/24
(10) approval be given to the implementation of the Business Rates Local Discount Scheme for Retail, Hospitality and Leisure in 2023/24 in line with the guidelines issued by the Government;
Business Rates – Implementation of Supporting Small Business Relief Scheme from 2023/24
(11) approval be given to the implementation of the Business Rates Supporting Small Business Relief Scheme for Retail, Hospitality and Leisure in 2023/24 in line with the guidelines issued by the Government.
Reasons for the Decision:
To ensure Cabinet are informed of the current position in relation to the 2022/23 revenue budget.
To provide an updated forecast of the outturn position with regard ... view the full minutes text for item 138