Issue - meetings

Domestic Homicide Review (DHRs) Update

Meeting: 22/06/2022 - Safer Sefton Together (Item 4)

4 Domestic Homicide Review (DHRs) Update


Members considered a report giving an update on the carrying out of Domestic Homicide Reviews.


It was reported that there were currently difficulties in attracting independent Chairs for the process and members discussed possibilities to attract and train chairs.




(1)           the report be noted;


(2)           that a further report be submitted to the next meeting regarding the recruitment of independent chairs for reviews.




(1)       Discuss at LCR SD VAG - risk to lack of chairs

(2)       Need to request further funds from partners for DHR's

(3)       Share process with MFRS in relation to Retirees from the service

(4)       Check what the cost is to take part in the training - could the SST fund this.