Community Safety Strategy - Strategic Needs Assessment
In accordance with discussion at the last meeting (Minute No. 37 refers) it is intended for this meeting to be a Community safety strategy workshop with a facilitated discussion to develop a Strategy and Plan.
It had been intended to have a Community Safety Strategy Planning workshop at the meeting however, this did not take place due to low attendance and there was a need for everyone to have a say in how the strategy was developed. A draft Strategy, Executive Summary and spreadsheet had been produced which was discussed and it was suggested that the Draft Strategy report and excel spreadsheet be circulated to the partnership members for comment on the report and to populate the spreadsheet with the services they offered within the proposed strategy themes.
(1) the Strategy report and excel spreadsheet be circulated to the partnership members for comment on the report and to populate the spreadsheet with the services they offered within the proposed strategy themes;
(2) Members be requested to submit any comments on the report and complete that spreadsheet by Friday 8 July 2022; and
(3) Following receipt of comments, a Draft Strategy be submitted to the next meeting on 8 September 2022.