7 Youth Justice Service Update PDF 642 KB
Ros Stanley
Ros Stanley presented a briefing paper on progress and achievements of Integrated Youth Services. The report set out details of performance against the following Youth Justice National Performance Indicators:
· Reoffending – children who commit an offence across the period of 1 year are then tracked for a full year. This causes a time lapse due to the nature of tracking. This data is captured from the Police National Computer;
· First Time Entrants – those children who enter the statutory cohort for the first time; and
· Custody – those sentenced to a custodial sentence within the secure estate.
The report also set out details regarding:
· Changes to Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s);
· Youth Justice Service Funding Increase; and
· Legislative Changes – Policing, Crime, Sentencing and Court Act.
Arising from the discussion reference was made to community events or “Walkabouts” which had previously taken place involving various agencies and local Ward Councillors and it was suggested these could be reinstated
RESOLVED: That the briefing paper be noted.