57 Marine Lake Event Centre PDF 544 KB
Report of the Executive Director - Place
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 41 of the meeting held on 28 July 2022 the Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director – Place that provided an update on the progression of the operator procurement process, along with the ongoing contractor procurement process following previous approval of the procurement routes. In respect of the Marine Lake Event Centre. The report also included an update on current costs and funding position and therefore the required contribution from the Council of up to £19.7m; and indicated that the cost of this, to be funded via borrowing, had been included in this report together with the indicative annual income from the operator, to enable early visibility of potential Medium-Term Financial Plan implications for the Council.
Decision Made:
(1) |
the Executive Director – Place be authorised to enter into of an Agreement for Lease for the operation and management of the Southport Marine Lake Events Centre with SMG (UK) Limited trading as ASM Global, based upon the principles agreed within the Heads of Terms, as set out in the report;
(2) |
the Cabinet Member - Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services be authorised to agree the final terms to the Agreement for Lease;
(3) |
the update on the build contractor procurement along with the targeted social value outcomes be noted;
(4) |
the key project risks identified within this report, including future financial implications be noted; and
(5) |
Council be recommended to: