51 Allocation of Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant PDF 515 KB
Report of the Director of Public Health
Further to Minute No. 48 of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 1 September 2022, the Council considered the report of the Director of Public Health seeking authority to accept the Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant and allocate it accordingly. The report indicated that in February 2022, the Office of Health Inequalities and Disparities (OHID) Department of Health and Social Care announced additional supplemental drugs funding which all Local Authorities were eligible to receive through a Section 31 Grant to support the delivery of the December 2021 national drug strategy. In April 2022, the Council received notification of the 3 years funding from 2022/23 to 2024/25 subject to the submission of a OHID approved plan. The Sefton high level plan and 2022/23 detailed plan has now been approved. Detailed plans outlining the interventions for 2023/24 and 2024/25 will be required to be submitted for approval before the start of each of those years.
Sefton Council will receive this enhanced funding for 3yrs starting from 2022/23. See allocation table below:
2022/23 |
2023/24 |
2024/25 |
Supplemental Sub Misuse Treatment & Recovery Grant |
£1, 002,318
£1,642,287* |
£3,169,979* |
* Indicative Figures
It was moved by Councillor Maher, seconded by Councillor Fairclough and
That approval be given to the acceptance of the Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant as detailed within the report. |
11. Allocation of Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant
Report of the Director of Public Health
48 Allocation of Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant PDF 515 KB
Report of the Director of Public Health
The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Public Health seeking authority to accept the Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant and allocate it accordingly. The report indicated that in February 2022, the Office of Health Inequalities and Disparities (OHID) Department of Health and Social Care announced additional supplemental drugs funding which all Local Authorities were eligible to receive through a Section 31 Grant to support the delivery of the December 2021 national drug strategy. In April, Sefton Council received notification of the 3 years funding from 2022/23 to 2024/25 subject to the submission of a OHID approved plan. The Sefton high level plan and 2022/23 detailed plan has now been approved. Detailed plans outlining the interventions for 2023/24 and 2024/25 will be required to be submitted for approval before the start of each of those years.
Sefton Council will receive this enhanced funding for 3yrs starting from 2022/23. See allocation table below:
2022/23 |
2023/24 |
2024/25 |
Supplemental Sub Misuse Treatment & Recovery Grant |
£1, 002,318
£1,642,287* |
£3,169,979* |
* Indicative Figures
Decision Made:
(1) |
Council be recommended to approve the acceptance of the Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant as detailed within the report;
(2) |
subject to Council approving the acceptance of the Grant, the proposed contract variations to the current contracts with CGL and WAwY for the services to deliver the funded interventions be approved; and
(3) |
authority be delegated to the Head of Health and Wellbeing / Director of Public Health to:
· issue a contract variation to uplift the contract by an additional £772,068 in the first instance and the uplift for years 2 & 3 by the amounts yet to be determined, with CGL for the provision of Substance Use: Assessment, Treatment and Recovery Services; and
· add via a contract variation an additional £110,250 to the contract with WAwY and uplift any subsequent contracts for years 2 & 3 of the Grant.
Reasons for the Decision:
The Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant should be used by LAs to directly address the aims of the treatment and recovery section of the drug strategy. The additional funding should deliver:
· New high-quality treatment places, including:
Ø New places for opiate and crack users,
Ø a treatment place for every offender with an addiction
Ø New treatment places for non-opiate users and alcohol users
Ø More young people in treatment
· More people in long-term recovery from substance dependence
· More medical, mental health and other professionals within the drug treatment system
· Additional drug and alcohol and criminal justice workers
· Sufficient commissioning and co-ordinator capacity in every local authority
The expectation is that each local area will deliver against the above aims and meet national reporting and monitoring requirements. In order to achieve these outcomes, it is necessary to transfer funds to thecurrent providers of Substance Use: Assessment, Treatment and Recovery Services and Young People and Families Substance Use Service.
The local intention is to expand the treatment provision within the existing services to improve access by creating more ... view the full minutes text for item 48