Issue - meetings

4B) DC/2021/00924 - Land Off Bankfield Lane, Southport

Meeting: 29/06/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 15)

15 DC/2021/00924 - Land Off Bankfield Lane, Southport pdf icon PDF 886 KB

Report of the Chief Planning Officer


Further to Minute No. 6 of 6 June 2018, the Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer recommending that the above application for the erection of 9 houses, together with a new vehicular access and associated works (part alternative to application reference DC/2017/00821)be granted subject to the conditions and for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.


Prior to consideration of the application, the Committee received a petition on behalf of objectors against the proposed development and a response by the applicant’s agent.


Councillor Sathiy, as Ward Councillor, made representations on behalf of objectors against the proposed development.




That consideration of the application be deferred to enable further traffic surveys to be undertaken and review of the content of the Construction Traffic Management Plan to be carried out.