Issue - meetings

5A) DC/2022/00087 - Land At Crosby Coastal Park, Crosby

Meeting: 29/06/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 18)

18 DC/2022/00087 - Land At Crosby Coastal Park, Crosby pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of the Chief Planning Officer


Further to Minute No. 5 of 1 June 2022 the Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer recommending that the above application for a proposed cycleway and footway through Crosby Coastal Park, starting at Blundellsands Road West to Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre (on/off road shared use cycleway and footway), joining onto the existing cycle route on Great Georges Road/ Cambridge Road, be granted subject to the conditions and for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.


Councillor Howard, as Ward Councillor, made representations on behalf of objectors against the proposed development.


Arising from the report and representations, Members discussed a number of areas of potential concern in detail and expressed continued concern regarding the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and other road users, particularly in busy areas such as the junction with South Road, Crosby.




That the recommendation be not approved and the application be refused as it does not accord with Planning Policy EQ3 (f) which requires development to ensure the safety of pedestrians,  cyclists and all road users is not adversely affected.